Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Accountability, revisited

Needless, to say, things fell apart within about a week of starting--as evidenced by not having enough time to even get a blog out. The good news is that projects seem to be wrapping up, so time to revisit the big ol' accountability plan. Same basic plan. The only difference, 60 days instead of 90. And an emphasis put on not trying to do it all. Too much overcommitment = totally falling flat on everything.

That gives me 24 hours to figure out my schedule for the next 60 days. No pressure, right? ;)

The Ideal House (circa 2011)

Yesterday I was sitting at the car shop for an oil change and tire rotation, so got a few minutes to go through my files. I found our original list of things we were looking for in a house--so let's see how it fits with the home we are looking at.

One story--check
3 bedroom--check
2 bath--check
Open kitchen--check
Dedicated laundry room--check
Utility sink--not currently, but we might be able to add it on
Side by side drive--check
Central heat and air--check
Laminate floors--depends on what we pick out
Ceiling fans--check
French door fridge, but slightly smaller--again, depends what we pick
Garbage disposal--need to check
Sewer line, not septic--check
Electric, not gas--actually gas appliances, but that isn't a bad thing
Sidewalk that leads to a park with a jogging trail--probably...there are lots of sidewalks being built as houses are being built, and the neighborhood will have parks
Orange tree and key lime tree--I'm rethinking the orange tree, but we should be able to get a key lime tree
Countertop microwave--not at present, but we could check on that for the future
Tool area--in the garage
Decent size linen closet--check
Own pool or easy access--check
If our own pool, screened and heated and spa--will need to check and see if we are getting a pool and then check on costs
Heat lamps and exhaust fans in baths--not at present, but we could ask
Wire house for audio--with new Bluetooth speakers, this isn't an issue
Decent home theater--something we can do
Linoleum in kitchen and bath--looks like it will be tile instead of linoleum
Garage 2 car with automatic opener--check
Master walk in closet--two of them, check!
Lawn service--check
Pest control--need to see, but we could certainly hire someone
High speed Internet--check
Larger bathrooms--check
Front entrance porch--check
Better lighting options, dimmers and good use of natural light--will need to look about dimmers, but certainly does better with natural light
Easy access to job--well, depends on the job, but it looks good so far for either WDW or Orlando
Easy access to schools--check
Solar panels--no, but we will see what options are there
Heat recovery systems--no
Formal dining room not a must--not really, but a good space off the kitchen for full dining set
Fireplace (gas or electric)--no, but with gas we could put one in later
Decent grocery and shopping nearby--check
Dining options nearby--check
Family room--as part of the dining/kitchen extended area

So given this list was made a couple years ago, it looks like we are pretty consistent in what we want, and what we are picking out really nails it!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 2 of 90

Busy day yesterday, so while I hit the physical milestones, didn't get all the housework done as planned. Also didn't get to publish my accountability post either.

6 tricep dips--done
4 pushups--done
8 mountain climbers--done
15 situps--done
5 crunches--done
5 leg raises--done
10 second plank--done
2 minutes free punch--done
1 minute weight punch--done
2 mile walk/run--done
grocery shopping--done
water goal--done
track breakfast--done
track lunch--done
track dinner--done
sort 50 computer files--not done
scan 10 papers--not done
sort 15 papers--not done
15 minutes in Lily's room--not done
15 minutes in bedroom--not done

Still digging out from under deadlines today, so we'll see how the housework goes.

Day 2 down, 88 days to go!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Day 1 of 90

Here's the recap of day 1:
6 Tricep Dips--done
4 Pushups--done
8 Mountain Climbers--done
15 Situps--done
5 Crunches--done
5 Leg Raises--done
10 Second Plank--done
2 Minutes Free Punches--done
1 Minute Weighted Punch--done
Take supplements--done
Daily water goal--done
Swagbucks goal--done
Make bed--done
Shine sink--done
Track breakfast--done
Track lunch--done
Track dinner--done
Come in at or below WW points goal--done
Sort 50 files on the computer--done
Scan 10 papers--done
Sort 15 papers--done
15 minutes cleaning the dining room--done
15 minutes cleaning the kitchen--done

Made all my milestones for today. Only 89 days left!