Monday, June 24, 2013

Aggressiveness and Accountability

I'm very goal-driven, when I've got a goal in mind with a definite endpoint. When it is more freeform (either in terms of what to get or in terms of when to get it), I falter miserably.

Case in point, I'm doing awesome on paying off certain debts, preparing for the move, and so on. I'm meeting my quarterly goals for my business.

When it comes to things like getting my health back in order (read: weight loss and exercise), I just don't seem to be able to get a move on.

Before my cruise last year, I was able to go doughnut-free for February through May because I made a commitment to do that and didn't have many distractions to keep me from it.

Lately even if I make a commitment on health issues, I always have "that stuff" come up that makes it so I can't stick with it.

So I set myself a deadline--3 months. I've set a very aggressive plan. The plan includes Weight Watchers to track food points, the Galloway 10K app to get back into the running plan, the 30-day Abs and 30-days Arms intensives to cross-train. There's also focus on making sure I keep up-to-date with my supplements and water intake. It includes a focus on clearing files off of the computer and scanning/sorting/tossing papers that have been creeping into the house. It includes focusing on keeping the house clean, now that we've really spent a while getting it in good shape. It also includes pretty tough fiscal discipline--no more "retail therapy" for the next 90 days. (Both in terms of the problems created by going shopping and buying things that aren't needed and the fact that I waste several hours per week going out shopping.  It means getting up with my husband and daughter (and taking naps if needed) sometimes to make the most of every day.

Did I mention I'm sticking with this for 90-ish days?

I'm not focusing on how many pounds I'm going to lose or how many sizes I'm going to drop (although, truth be told, if I don't lose weight or drop at least a size, I'm going to be profoundly disappointed).

I've watched my husband drop 80 pounds on willpower alone (well, and Weight Watchers and training for a half marathon, but both of those are willpower things). I've watched my cousin drop close to 100 pounds in a similar way. I'm a paltry 20 pounds below my pregnancy weight.  I'll admit it. I want to be greedy on this. I want it to be me who has people come up and say "Wow, you look amazing." I want to be the person who inspires folks instead of being the one constantly inspired by those around me.

Yep, one week left and then I'm putting myself into life boot camp. Before you feel bad for me, know that I'm going to plan for little rewards along the way. Still trying to decide what they are, but I'm certainly going to reward milestones.

And it is only for about 90 hard can it be?

....Yeah, be prepared for lots of whining on here.

Oh, and that's where the accountability comes into play. I'm going to be putting my daily goals on here and then updating throughout the day as things get completed. Even if no one is reading, it does make me feel somewhat more accountable to the greater interwebz. After all, the internet is forever, right?

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